Faodaidh ainginn silico nitaider a bhith a 'teasachadh suas ri 800 gu 1000degree taobh a-staigh deichean de dhiogan. Faodaidh ceirmeag silicone a bhith a 'cumail a-chorpachadh de mheatailtean a' leaghadh. Le taic cheart agus a 'lasachadh pròiseas ceart, faodaidh an noignier grunn bhliadhnaichean a bhith ann am frithealaiche.
Igniters Silicon Nitride mar as trice tha cumadh ceart-cheàrnach ann an cumadh. These igniters have a lot operation zone up to 1000 degree C . agus sòn fuar san àite conaltraidh. Encapsulated terminal can prevent short circuit caused by conductive contamination.The durability of silicon nitride igniters have several times than that of silicon carbide products. Dimension , power and input voltage are customizable according to your requirement.
Trast-thomhas an tiùba: Φ3mm-Φ30mmStuth Tube: SS304, SS316, SS321, Nicoloy800, msaa.Stuth insulation: Mgo àrd-ghlanElement uèir Reisistdance: Ni-cr no fecr